Behind the Scenes of Mustache Competitions: What Judges Look For

April 9, 2024

Behind the Scenes of Mustache Competitions: What Judges Look For


Welcome to the fascinating world of mustache competitions, where creativity meets craftsmanship, and contestants proudly flaunt their facial hair masterpieces. From handlebar curls to luxuriant walruses, mustache competitions celebrate the art of grooming and personal expression. Understanding the judging criteria is essential for anyone looking to compete or simply enjoy the spectacle. In this article, we will take you behind the scenes to explore what judges look for during these quirky and delightful events.

Section 1: The History of Mustache Competitions

Mustache competitions have a rich history, dating back to the early 20th century when facial hair began to symbolize masculinity and individual style. These events have evolved significantly over the years, broadened by cultural influences and styles.

Throughout the decades, iconic competitions like the World Beard and Mustache Championships have become highlights for aficionados. As the events gained popularity, so did the complexity of the judging criteria. Judges began to place more emphasis on not just the style but also creativity, presentation, and even the personal stories behind the contestants.

Section 2: The Role of Judges in Mustache Competitions

Judges are the gatekeepers of mustache competitions. They come from diverse backgrounds, often including professional groomers, barbers, or passionate enthusiasts well-versed in different mustache styles. Their expertise helps ensure that judging is fair and consistent, allowing contestants from all walks of life to shine.

Having qualified judges is vital, as it contributes to the credibility of the competition. Contestants want to know that their hard work and creativity will be recognized by knowledgeable judges who appreciate the nuances of facial hair artistry.

Section 3: Key Judging Criteria

A. Style and Creativity

One of the most crucial aspects of judging is originality. Judges are on the lookout for unique designs that go beyond basic grooming. Styles like the handlebar or walrus mustache may have set shapes, but it's the personal flair—innovative styling and use of grooming techniques—that take a mustache from ordinary to extraordinary.

B. Grooming and Presentation

Neatness and hygiene are paramount in competitions. Judges scrutinize the meticulous grooming of each competitor’s mustache, including visual clarity and overall presentation. Contestants are encouraged to use high-quality grooming products and tools to achieve that polished look. Accessories, like combs or bows, can also enhance a mustache's overall appeal, provided they are tasteful and not overpowering.

C. Personal Story and Charisma

Mustaches are more than just hair; they tell a story. Judges appreciate contestants who share engaging personal stories that connect with the audience. Charisma can elevate a contestant's profile, making them memorable. A dazzling mustache paired with a captivating persona can leave a lasting impression, often tilting the scales in a close competition.

Section 4: The Judging Process

The judging process usually unfolds in several rounds, starting from initial presentations to final evaluations. In the initial rounds, judges assess the contestants' mustaches based on set criteria, scoring them on creativity, grooming, and engagement. Pre-judging interviews may also allow contestants to present their stories, adding depth to their overall scores.

As the competition narrows down to the finals, judges often pay closer attention to details, reassessing the criteria with a more discerning eye. Points are tallied, and winners are ultimately declared.

Section 5: Behind-The-Scenes Insights from Judges

To provide a more personal look into the judging world, we spoke to several seasoned judges who shared their unique insights. Many expressed that common misconceptions include the belief that only the biggest mustaches win. In reality, a well-groomed, creatively styled smaller mustache can easily outshine a more extravagant one if it demonstrates superior attention to detail and uniqueness.

Judges also offered tips for contestants to excel: "Practice grooming techniques and get feedback from fellow competitors. The community can help refine your style," one judge advised. Another reminded competitors, “Don’t underestimate the power of a good story—connect with your audience.”

Section 6: Preparing for a Mustache Competition

Preparation is key to stand out in mustache competitions. Contestants should start grooming well in advance to master the desired look. Recommended products include high-quality mustache wax, oils, and combs to maintain shape and health. Practicing different styles and seeking constructive feedback can significantly improve a contestant’s performance.

Engaging with the mustache community through social media or local events can also provide insights and support, fostering a spirit of camaraderie that many competitors cherish.


In conclusion, mustache competitions are a beautiful blend of creativity, personality, and technique. Understanding the judging criteria—from originality and grooming to personal stories—can empower aspiring contestants to prepare effectively and stand out. Whether you aim to compete or simply enjoy the event, many lessons can be learned from these quirky